Nothing in the news struck my interest this morning, so let me share what I call my philosophy of life:
Always be content. Never be satisfied.
You were expecting Plato? It sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? Perhaps I should explain what I mean. My work will serve as an illustration. I am content in my job. I like the people I work for and with. I enjoy what I do. When I drive in each morning I look forward to going there. All of that is a choice. A choice I’ve made. I could have made the choice to focus on negatives, but I don’t, so I am content with my job. That’s not the same as being satisfied. I want more. More challenges, more responsibility, more recognition, more money. Here is where this all comes together. It is my belief that many, if not most, people get it reversed. They’re satisfied with their job, but they’re not content. I see this a lot with co-workers of all ages. The attitude of, “This job is awful, but I can’t find anything better” is heard repeatedly.
Your personal life can be treated the same way. I am content with my life; the things I have, the relationships I enjoy, the activities I participate in. Still, I never want to become satisfied. Relationships need to be growing. I could be more active in things I want to pursue. And things, if acquired with the proper attitude, priority, and perspective, can make life more enjoyable. To go through life only being satisfied, but never being content must be miserable. It’s the philosophy of settling for.
How about in the political arena? What? You thought I was going to ignore politics all together this morning?
One group (I’ll let you figure out which is which. I know you can do it) believes that
How about the other group? What do they believe about
Because I face life (and politics) with my philosophy everything is alright. I believe that those who share my view will always come out ahead. Well, that’s what I think this morning. Have a great day.