Just a few short comments and a few loose ends to wrap up.
First, I wanted to let you all know that the second part of Stan Guthrie's interview with David Limbaugh is posted. In it Limbaugh lays out his thoughts on different components that make up conservatives.
Ankle Biting Pundits has several great posts (as always), including ones on the Boston Longshoremans Union story, the Senate GOP and Social Security, and the always popular Judge Elihu Smails "Buffoon Of the Week" Award.
Captain Ed over at Captain's Quarters (another daily read) helps shine the light on a little discussed portion of the Amnesty International press release accompanying their annual report. No, not the ridiculous "gulag" comment, but what is in my opinion an even more outrageous statement. Read "Did Amnesty International Call For Kidnapping Of American Leaders?"
Michelle Malkin consistently finds links to the best stories on the net. Read the stories linked in "A Chance Reunion" and "The Eternal Vigilance Society" as well as any of the others on her site. Great stuff there always.
The three "uncontested" judges (Owens, Brown, and Pryor) from the "Memorandum of (Mis)Understanding" have been confirmed along with Griffin and McKeague. Confirm Them has links to the vote tallies for all five.
Finally, I received my first negative comment on my "Voices from the left" post. I found two things about the comment a bit ironic. First, she started out with the word "Typically". Now, if she is referring to this blog, that's a little hard to understand as I only started blogging here two weeks ago. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was talking about us "racist, bigot, homophobes" in the general sense ;) . What I found really laughable is her statement that "you don't say that quotes are wrong, just that they're shrill." What? You can read my response by clicking on the comments link on that post. What do you think? Have a great weekend. I'll see you Monday if not before.